
Children / Teenagers / Adults

Private piano lessons

Minuet in G Major - J.S. Bach
Marie-Pier - 12 years old

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Mist - C. Poole
Emma 11 years old

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Shadows D. Alexander & M. Mier
Raphaël 8 years old

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Atacama Desert W-A. Rossi
William 9 years old

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About / Nicole Péloquin You have a question?

Private piano lesson teacher Nicole Péloquin

After surviving a cancer, I decided to fulfill the dream of a lifetime: "TEACH MUSIC". So I continued the music studies I started in my youth. I graduated in music from CEGEP Saint-Laurent and the University of Sherbrooke. Even today, after more than 20 years of training, I continue to take courses in order to always improve myself.

So, thanks to my music teacher and mentor, as well as my students, I have the most beautiful job in the world since 2009, teaching you the piano and the love of music through this majestic instrument.

Musical training leads students to develop various skills in the intellectual, personal, emotional, physical and cultural fields.

Regional Culture Council (SLSJ)
Learning to play a musical instrument has many benefits. Many studies are increasingly able to identify its benefits, playing the piano or the flute would become almost imperative! How does it translate? By better academic performances, particularly due to a memory capacity greater than the children who do not play a musical instrument. In addition, practicing an instrument has been shown to significantly improve mood and reduce anxiety.
Other studies even go as far as to say that young children who were given piano or singing lessons for 9 months saw their IQ increase by a few points! Finally, research in neuroscience have recently revealed that, like physical activity that leads to physical fitness, learning music provides better hearing.
The Benefits of Learning the Piano, Piano Lessons for Children Mirabel, Saint-Eustache

Music Promotes Children's Cerebral Development

Music awakens the mental and physical functions of the child, develops his intellectual capacities. Research shows that when a child listens to classical music, the right hemisphere of his brain is activated, and when the child studies a musical instrument, both the right and left hemispheres activate.

Develop concentration and discipline

In a world where we are constantly stimulated by ringtones, vibrations and notifications of all kinds, playing music is almost like a sanctuary where our attention takes refuge. The concentration required to play music is such that our instrument captures our full attention. Whether you have a guitar in your hands or a violin on your shoulder, our senses are more challenged than usual. Our eyes read the litter, our ears are on the lookout for false notes, the muscles in our arms and hands are contracted, even our brain is more stressed.

In addition, learning music requires the most rigorous of disciplines. Indeed, to play an instrument well, there is no miracle recipe; there are only the hours you accumulate repeating your scales, making mistakes and correcting them. Like a karateka who remakes his katas, a musician must repeat a song constantly if he wants to play it well.

You will have understood that the development of concentration and discipline are precious assets for any student. Music therefore makes it possible to work and reinforce the traits necessary for success in school.

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